The Prudent Retiree - February 2019
“My political stance is to get people to dance.”
-John Lee Hooker
Tis the season. A number of folks have announced they would like the chance to take on President Trump in 2020. Certainly, there will be more with the itch. Prudent Retiree cringes when thinking about the next two years of political articles, commercials and tweets. Elections are important, but perhaps the results would be no worse and our lives easier, if they flipped a coin or mud wrestled.
John Lee Hooker was one of the great Delta Blues players. He wrote and sang soulful songs and played a blistering guitar. He was the son of sharecroppers and dealt with ugly discrimination for much of his life. He was illiterate and worked as a janitor early in his career to support his family. He finally started to have financial success when he toured Europe in his fifties. You may also remember him from the Blues Brothers movie.
The market seems to have forgotten the 4th quarter of 2018 and resumed it’s uptrend. The Fed has indicated there won’t be any interest rate hikes for now and talks with China about trade seem to be positive. As we are writing, the sense is that there won’t be another government shutdown. Economic conditions are favorable and we encourage you to stay invested.
We never discount the dysfunction and associated risk of Washington, D.C. As an older man, John Lee Hooker was asked about politics in the context of a discussion about discrimination in the music industry. His answer, “My political stance is to get people to dance.” We’d prefer that to the election barrage that’s coming. We hope our aspiring political leaders leave the market alone.
For those who may need a little more, one of John Lee Hooker’s hit songs was “One bourbon, one scotch, one beer.” Those should get you through the election.
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