The Prudent Retiree - May 1, 2023
Buddy Miles was in the pantheon of great Rock and Roll drummers during the 1960s and 70s. He played in the power trio Electric Flag, with Carlos Santana, and is best known as a member of Band of Gypsys with Jimi Hendrix. He referred to himself as “the baddest of the bad.”
Prudent Retiree’s mind has been “goin’ through them changes.” Our risk management model has turned positive on the market. This means our portfolios will increase equity allocation. We believe investors do best when they listen to the market itself and not the opinions of others. We moved to a 50% equity exposure in qualified accounts in April 2022 when the S&P was higher than it is now. Good for the bottom line.
Miles sang, “I feel like I’m going out of my mind.” Some of you may wonder why invest now? Reasons for concern persist – the Fed raising rates, a possible recession, the war in Ukraine, a possible debt default and our poisoned politics. Strong arguments for staying out. The market never loses it’s mind. The market is always right and it is telling us to increase our equity exposure. The market truly is “the baddest of the bad” and we will make “them changes.”
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