The Prudent Retiree - January 20, 2022

Dr. King was speaking about matters far more significant than daily market fluctuation when he exhorted his listeners to walk with an audacious faith in the future. He said, “I’m concerned about a better world” and warned his audience that “there will be inevitable setbacks here and there.” Dr. King gave his “Where do we go from here” speech to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in August of 1967. Though his concerns for human dignity and respect far outweigh our concerns about stock prices, the principles he espoused can help investors.

1967 was the so called Summer of Love in America, but it was also a fraught time in our society and economy. The America to which Dr. King spoke was worried and frightened. So is America in 2022. We’ve discussed the reasons—Omicron, politics, inflation, shortages and many others. You want to know if these will cause the market to fall.

We listen to the market and follow a disciplined risk management approach. There will be setbacks and bad headlines on occasion. If, however, we adhere to market metrics and avoid the rants of pundits and self-proclaimed market experts, we can have faith in the future and benefit from a successful investment plan. Maintain your current allocations as we go through a correction. The market’s overall direction is positive and we’ll let you know when that changes.

America honors Dr. King with a special day in January. Prudent Retiree believes his insights and wisdom are valuable everyday.

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