The Prudent Retiree - What's Going On Part XVIII

Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. Sounds like our country today. Pick any issue. No longer can reasonable people disagree. Stephen Stills wrote this song about underaged teenagers trying to get into an 18 and over club in Los Angeles. That gives you pause as the song is best remembered as an anthem for the anti-Vietnam War movement.  

It seems now that the merit of an idea often no longer matters. Instead, an idea is judged by who said it and what group they are affiliated with. You can be certain that half the people will reject any proposal for dealing with the many challenges confronting us today. Fortunately, we still solve problems at the ballot box and not at the point of a gun.  

The stock market—nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong. Both the bulls and the bears make a compelling argument for the direction of the market. They can’t both be right—somebody’s wrong. The song went on, “It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound? Everybody look—what’s going down?” The sound is the market and we should listen to what the market is telling us. Tune out all the noise. Maintain your current allocations. Anytime there is chaos as there is now, circumstances can change quickly. We are monitoring the risks and will change our recommendation when the market dictates.  

For what it’s worth, that is what’s going on.  

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Investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. 

Horseman Group